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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

PYD briefing

Overview of the latest evens in Rojava and Syria.

Report and appeal on jihadist violence against Kurds in Syria

We, the Kurdish political parties, organisations and Community members in exile earnestly call International Community to protect the civilians – Kurds, Arabs and other Syrian multi-ethnicities, Assyrians, Armenians, Christians – against the brutal ethnic cleansing attacks taking place against the peacefully co- existing ethnicities in the Kurdish region in Syria.

Thousands of Syrian Kurds pour into Iraqi Kurdistan

Some 10,000 Syrian refugees crossed the border into Iraq in the last 24 hours, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported, as clashes between the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front and the Democratic Union Party’s (PYD) military wing intensified.

Press statement PYD

(Democratic Union Party – Syria) on the activities of Al Qaeda in Syria

Report conference Belfast: Turkey and the Kurdish Question

On Wednesday 17 April 2013 the Law School and the ISCTSJ at Queen’s University Belfast hosted a one-day conference entitled ‘The Kurdish Question in Turkey’. The aim of this multi-disciplinary conference was to bring together legal experts,academics, politicians, journalists and grass-roots activists to ignite debate on theKurdish question in Turkey, particularly from a human rights perspective. The ‘question’ concerns the Turkish-Kurdish conflict. A dispute concerning the rights of Kurds in Turkey, which has spanned over three decades and involved systematicviolations of civil, political and socio-economic rights.


Turkish government to debate reforms as Kurdish pressure mounts, Kurdish PYD leader to visit Turkey again, Syria's FSA must distance itself from al-Nusra, Kurdish leader says, Turkey Signals More Pragmatic Approach to Syria's Kurds , Syria rebels pass 'Kurd hostages to jihadists',

No financial or political support for the Syrian Islamist opposition

Dear US secretary of state John Kerry,

The ongoing civil war in Syria has deteriorated steadily since March 2011. Recently it has reached a low point, because the fights are increasingly turning into sectarian battles. Radical groups of the Syrian Islamist opposition in particular are gaining influence. They are politically and financially supported from abroad. Accordingly, the Kurdish, Christian and Alawite minorities are in constant fear of violent attacks. To prevent a humanitarian disaster in the form of a genocide Europe and the United States must act immediately to stop all political and financial support for the Syrian Islamist opposition.

Defend the Kurds in Syria from massacre and ethnic cleansing

PEACE IN KURDISTAN CAMPAIGN: The Kurdish experiment in democratic autonomy in Syria is now under grave danger from the Al Qaeda affiliated Al Nusra Front and other Islamist factions who are waging an increasingly ruthless campaign of violence and mass killing.