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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

Erdogan attise toujours la polarisation et l’hostilité

Le Premier ministre Erdogan, au lieu de mettre fin à l'état de guerre, a continué dimanche d'attiser la polarisation et l'hostilité en Turquie. Il a essayé de justifier lors d'un meeting de ses partisans à Istanbul l'évacuation brutale du parc Gezi, dernier bastion des manifestants qui réclament sa démission depuis plus de deux semaines à Istanbul.

Alarm cry from the Turkish Bar Association

The Turkish Bar Association’s administrative body has called on the Council of Europe head to request an explanation from the Turkish government on the role of the security forces during the ongoing protests around the country, as a result of an emergency meeting June 16.

Women conference in Diyarbakir

Amed 30.05.2013,
The 1st Middle East Women's Conference will open in Diyarbakir tomorrow. The conference is dedicated to the memory of Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan, Leyla Saylemez, who were brutally murdered in Paris on 9 January.

News Briefing Regarding The News and Events in West Kurdistan

Democratic Union Party (PYD) -West Kurdistan, Media & Public Affairs Office –Europe
Head Lines
1. Attack against Efrin, Kobane and Tel Tamer are pre-planned.
2. Political reactions concerning the closing of Border
3. Clashes in Western Kurdistan
4. Educational and cultural activities
5. Campaign ‘’No To Emigration, Yes To resistance’’
6. The Kurdish Red Crescent

Campagne de signature: Sevan Nisanyan n’est pas seul!

Campagne de signature: Sevan Nisanyan n’est pas seule !Nous protestons contre la condamnation de Sevan Nisanyan à 13,5 mois de prison, sous prétexte qu’il n’interprète pas la mythologie de l’islam comme les musulmans.

Grim report on Reyhanli attacks

The association Mazlum-Der has released a preliminary report on the two bomb attacks which left dozens killed and injured in Hatay's Reyhanli district on 11 May.

Karayilan: We will defend ourselves if attacked

Speaking to journalist Erdal Er about the withdrawal of Kurdish guerrillas accross the borders, Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council president Murat Karayilan said that it will witness a deadlock and guerillas will defend themselves in the event of attacks and military operations similar to those the Turkish army launched during the previous withdrawal in 1999.