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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.


We, following organizations participating in the World Social Forum (WSF) in Tunis 2013, CONDEMN the arrestation of YILMAZ ORKAN happened in the international airport of Brussels last Sunday 24th March 2013. He was on the way to come to the WSF.

Release Kurdish diplomat Mr. YILMAZ ORKAN

We condemn the arrest of Mr Yilmaz Orkan, the vice president of the Confederation of Kurdish Associations in Europe (KON-KURD) which has 12 federations and 165 associations in Europe, Australia, and Canada. Mr Orkan is a deputy head for the last three years and also a member of the Kurdish National Congress (KNK).


Peace in Kurdistan Campaign is proud to join the Kurdish people in their Newroz celebrations and remains steadfast in its commitment to the search for a peaceful democratic solution to this historic struggle which has inspired generations and peoples throughout the world who are denied the basic rights of liberty and human dignity.

Happy Newroz! Newroz Piroz Be!, News Bulletin, 11/03/2013 – 23/03/2013

News Headlines
1. PJAK: Iran cannot stop the Kurdish spring by banning Newroz,
2. Respect for rights must be at heart of negotiations with PKK,
3. Newroz is symbol of freedom struggle,
4. Abdullah Ocalan’s message; new phase is now beginning,
5. KCK (Union of Communities in Kurdistan) : Our movement is both ready for peace and war,
6. Large scale arrests of Kurdish civil activists reflect Human rights violations in eastern Kurdistan,
7. PJAK: Helebce massacre, a symbol of obliteration policy against the Kurdish nation,
8. Karayılan: Newroz to be the day of liberation against all genocides,
9. Kışanak: Öcalan to make a call on 21 March,
10. Educational system in Iran – Opposing use of mother tongue and trying to assimilate the language of other nations,
11. The massacre policy of occupiers have failed against our nation’s will in western Kurdistan,
12. Wave of mass arrests in eastern Kurdistan; preventing all civil activities and the press,
13. PJAK condemned execution and mass arrests of Kurdish political activists in Iran,
14. The ceremony to remember Helebce casualties in Payame Noor University of Meriwan,
15. BDP-DTK: This year’s Newroz is of historic importance,
16. More than 50 civil and political activists have arrested during last two months in eastern Kurdistan,
17. 12 arrested in Pawe (city in eastern Kurdistan)

Newroz 2013 and ceasefire announcement: Reaction from the English-speaking press

Newroz 2013 and ceasefire announcement: Reaction from the English-speaking press

1. Öcalan’s historic Newroz 2013 Statement

2. Kurdish ceasefire boosts peace process in Turkey

3. Turkey should seize offer of peace from Kurdish guerilla leader

4. 'Time for the guns to go silent': jailed Kurdish rebel leader hails 'historic truce' and urges ceasefire with Turkey

5. Editorial: The PKK's declaration of a truce in Turkey is in everyone’s interest

6. Erdogan should pursue lasting truce with the PKK

7. Kurds celebrate ceasefire with Turkey in Diyarbakir

8. Kurdish leader Ocalan declares ceasefire

9. Peace dividends

10. Jailed Leader of the Kurds Offers a Truce With Turkey

11. Jailed Kurdish rebel leader calls for historic truce, Turkish prime minister voices caution

12. Kurdish rebels will heed their leader’s call for peace with Turkey, news reports say

13. Turkey's Kurdish Spring: Historic Day Full of Hope — Doubts Too

14. Peace comes to Turkey