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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, 2009 – 2014,Plenary sitting

Please find attached the European parliament's DRAFT motion for a resolution "on the 2012 Progress Report on Turkey" (Rapporteur: Mrs Ria Oomen-Ruijten (EPP, The Netherlands), as voted in the committee of Foreign Affairs on 21 March 2013.
The resolution will be now discussed in the plenary of the European parliament in STRASBOURG (France) next Wednedsay 17th of April 2013 in the afternoon (with an opening speech of EU Commissioner for Enlargment, Stefan Fule), and will be voted / adopted the day after, Thursday 18th of April at 12h00.
EP Members and political groups will have, in principle, the opportunity to table amendments to the resolution, in this case the deadline is foreseen for next Wednesday 10th of April at 12h00 (in Brussels, Belgium).
As always, the resolution is a "comprehensive text" dealing with several chapters of the EU-Turkey relation / negotiations for EU enlargement:
– as far as the new Erdogan-Ocalan negotiations are concerned, please have a look in particular to paragraph 36 of the draft resolution.
– the "Uludere issue" is raised in paragraph 39.
– the usual condemnation of terrorism is raised in par.53.
– please also check the several paragraphs on justice and constitutional reforms.
Best regards,
Stefano Squarcina, EP Brussels (B) GUE/NGL Group

KURDISH NEWS UPDATE, 9 – 12 March 2013

There will be no Weekly Briefing this week, so instead we have compiled an update with relevant news stories over the past few days. We will provide a full news briefing next week.

Rojhelat Info 25/2/2013 – 10/3/2013

This Bulletin Contains:
1. Mohsen Rezaee officially announced to be a candidate for the Iranian presidential election in eastern Kurdistan
2. International Women’s Day celebrated in Ney and women assembled in Imam mountain in Meriwan
3. Iran intelligence agency in Meriwan rejected The Green Community of Chiyay Meriwan’s request for plant sapling
4. A message from Abdul Rahman Haji Ahmadi in observance of Women’s International Day
5. YJRK (Eastern Kurdistan Women’s Union): Illuminating example of sacrifices; elevating struggle levels of women’s army across all Kurdistan
6. Abdullah Ocalan: A free nation cannot be possible without free women
7. Salih Muslim blamed Turkey for bloodshed in Syria and West Kurdistan
8. Iranian security forces raided the homes of villagers
9. A Kurdish Kolber died after was shot and injured by Iranian security forces
10. Prison sentences asked for Kurdish politicians in France
11. Ahmet Türk: Military operations weakening the trust in peace process
1. On the current situation in Western Kurdistan
2. Karasu: French state knows the perpetrator of Paris killings
1. “If the disarmament process will not go well, PKK would be more radical than it is”

News Briefing Regarding The News and Events in West Kurdistan week No.17

Head Lines
1. Life in Remelan continues
2. The Peoples Council continues the distribution of aid to the city and the villages of Qamishlo
3. Kurdish citizen martyred during his compulsory military service in Damascus
4. Engineers in Qamishlo held a meeting preparing for a Conference
5. The opening of the first branch of the Kurdish Red Crescent city in Qamishlo finished.
6. People’s House in Sheikh Meqsoud distribute aid to the needy and displaced.
7. Clashes in Ashrafieh: Assad Regime withdraw to south of Aleppo
8. Service institutions in Remelan carry out their work
9. Meeting of the councils and tribal leaders in Tel Temer in order to contain the tension in the region
10. Ali Saadoun: 50% Aid distributed in Qamishlo
11. Engineers council in Afrin held elections for the Executive Office
12. Hit-and-run battles between the Free Syrian army and the Syrian regime army in Al Ashrafya
13. Efrin: people are replacing the name of their shops from Arabic to Kurdish
14. A private hospital has been reopened in Sere Kanye
15. Qamishlo is welcoming its visitors in three languages



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To French government, to relevant Media & leading Journalists in France & to the Mme. Christiane Taubira, French Minister of Justice