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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

The Democratic Civil Alliance – DCA

The Democratic Civil Alliance which consists of Syrian political figures and civil democratic forces considers the coming Syria as a democratic civil State based on citizenship that ensures the individual and collective rights that are approved in the International Bill of Human Rights.

Star Union Organization

On the 15th of January 2005 the Star Union organization was founded on a two year long struggle to assemble the power, potential and aspirations of Kurdish women.

Rojhelat Info, 18/2/2013 – 24/2/13013

This Bulletin Contains:
1. Iran reports death of a Revolutionary Guards c ommander in Kurdish area
2. Öcalan: This visit is a historic step
3. Kurdish Political Prisoners Under Intense Pressure to “Cooperate” at
Orumiyeh Prison
4. One Kurdish Kolber Injured by Iranian Security Forces
5. 12 Journalists Arrested in Ilam, Eastern Kurdistan
6. KCK (Union of Communities in Kurdistan): Language Constitute a Nation
7. West Kurdistan: The Town of Chelaxa Liberated by YPG
8. International Mother Tongue Day celebrated in Turkey
9. Kurdish taught in Western Kurdistan
10. Agreement in Serêkaniyê between YPG and FSA

Derwich M. Ferho, Kurdish Institute of Brussels (25-26.09.2009)

I arrived in Belgium in 1978. In Belgium I was co-founder of the association ‘Têkoser’, an association of Kurdish workers and students in Belgium. This association, founded by Kurds from different parts of Kurdistan, all living in Belgium, aimed to promote the integration of the Kurdish community in Belgium.


Peace in Kurdistan campaign and Campaign Against Criminalising Communities (CAMPACC) have begun a series of initiatives to pressure the French government to release Adem Uzun, a Kurdish peace activist and member of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) who was arrested last October in Paris. Adem Uzun had been a key negotiator for in the Oslo Peace Talks with high level Turkish government representatives. He is well known for his commitment to a negotiated settlement to the Kurdish question in Turkey.
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