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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

Memoir of a Kurdish Political Prisoner

Jalal Barzanji, Kurdish poet and journalist, will soon release ‘The Man in the Blue Pyjamas: Prison Memoir in the Form of a Novel’, his memoirs about the time he spent imprisoned under Saddam Hussein’s regime.

28 Kurdish Mayors were requested thousands years in prison

Kurdish Info 18.12.2010- Twenty-eight mayors from Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) were requested to nearly one thousand years in prison in total. Some of those mayors already have cases being heard at the Supreme Court and nine of them are currently serving their prison terms.

Will it ever be possible for Turkey to resolve the Kurdish question?

While the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) announced it would extend its unilateral ceasefire with Turkish security forces until the general election next summer, and PKK leader Abdulla Ojalan has been involved in series of secret dialogues with the Turkish authorities to bring peace and reconciliation between the Kurds and government, the Turkish state is continuing to prosecute more than 150 Kurdish politicians.

Kurdish woman Fatima Hawool sentenced in Syria

According to Syrian Committee for Human Rights – MAD, and Kurdish Organization for Defending Human Rights and Public Freedoms in Syria – DAD, the Criminal Military Court in Aleppo heard case 944 of 2010, regarding Fatima Ahmed Hawool, and sentenced her to a year and a half in accordance with the provisions of Article 278 of the General Syrian Penal Code. She had previously been accused under Articles 288 and 267 of the Syrian Penal Code.


The Kurdish Issue ruled out by Turkish governments since founding periods of the republic. All of rebels in Kurdish Territory were perceived as local-criminal resistances by governments. But, this issue is felt deeply and came on the scene by the existence of the PKK after 1980’s.