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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

Stop killing political prisoners in Iran!

“Oh, what a night it was. The prisoner count on Sunday morning felt like a heavy burden on our shoulders. By then, we were sure that, once again, the life of a fighter and a lioness from the land of Kurdistan, whose resistance defied the mountains, was lost to the noose. It was hard to believe…”

Zaher Mahmud : Uncomfortable luggage

Zaher Mahmud is an ordinary school boy, living in the provincial capital town Sulaimania in Iraqi Kurdistan until, at the age of eleven, his leg is hit by a bullet. His life derails. In-between odd jobs he is frequently on the run. At a very early age, he joins the Kurdish guerrilla. When he is eighteen, he is hit by a phosphor bomb.

Abducted Kurdish Writer Is Found Dead in Iraq, Hiwa Abdullah

ERBIL, Iraq — A Kurdish journalist was kidnapped here in the capital of the semiautonomous Kurdistan region of Iraq, tortured and then found dead with two bullets in the head on a highway, his family and members of the security forces said on Thursday.

Five Kurdish Prisoners Executed in Iran’s Evin Prison

9 May 2010 – Medya News – According to Kurdish Human Rights Association this morning May 9th 2010 the Islamic Regime executed five (5) Kurdish prisoners four (4) of whom were political prisoners in the Evin Prison.

I am a Hostage: A letter from Political Prisoner Ms. Shirin Alam Hooli

"My language is Kurdish, the language that I use to communicate with my family, friends and community, and the language that I grew up with. But I am not allowed to speak my language or read it, I am not allowed to go to school in my own language and I am not allowed to write it. They are telling me to deny my Kurdishness, but if I do, that means I have to deny who I am…"


This Briefing Paper analyses the coherence of the IPA Annual Programme (AP) 2009 for Turkey with the EU overall policy objectives as further specified in the pre-accession process in general and for Turkey in particular. It assesses the pertinence of the elements of analysis included in the AP and their potential to respond to the conditions/needs identified in Turkey.


Analysis of the 2009 Annual Programme for Turkey under the instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA) in the context of the 2009 enlargement package


102 of members of parliament, human rights defenders, professors, and intellectuals demand the release of imprisoned Kurdish human rights lawyer Mr Muharrem Erbey