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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

EUTCC questions Deniz Baykal’s (CHP) invitation to the European Parliament

Mr. Deniz Baykal has been the party leader of Republican People’s Party (CHP) which is the oldest and most devoted Kemalist party in Turkey. Mr. Baykal is invited to The European Parliament in Brussels April 12, 2010 by the Socialist group of parliamentarians, and is supposed to give a speech at one of the meetings.

The mine blast scandal and the Turkish Armed Forces’ (TSK) credibility

"Noting that we cannot know at which level of the army these lies are concocted and by whom…the reason behind many of these lies is clear. “Lies are nested in closed societies. They love the darkest points of such societies since there is no inspection, criticism or accountability in closed societies. So, if we don’t want more lies to be told, we should work on making our society an open one, with all its institutions. This will of course be a difficult struggle. But, a significant part of this struggle is calling a lie ‘a lie’…"

Turkey and Iraq’s Kurds: Loving thy neighbor

Regarding the PKK, Bakir reiterated that it is not a military problem and as such does not warrant military intervention. “This problem is political in nature. We don't believe there is a military solution for it. We have stated clearly to the Turkish side that short of military operations, we are ready to do anything to solve this problem peacefully. We are ready to lend a helping hand in this regard. Having a safe and secure border is in the interest of both sides,”

Confirmed: Soldiers Killed by Mine from the Army

"A gendarmerie laboratory confirmed that the mine that killed seven soldiers in South-East-Turkey in May 2009 belonged to the army. The prosecution file of the case launched by the victims' families was transferred to the Prosecutor's Office of the General Staff….Even if Erdoğan will not do anything, he still owes an apology to the DTP, to Kurdish politicians and to Ahmet Türk…"