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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

Arrest of Kurdish MPs will be discussed in EP

Ararat News –Publishing (ANP) – Fiona Lorin (Paris) and Robin Alan (Brussels) – 13 / 3 / 2010 -The arrest of the two former Kurdish MPs Mr. Remzi Kartal and Mr. Zubeyir Aydar is facing reactions also in European Parliament. GUE/NGL Political Group is planning now to bring the debate in EP. They will ask for fact and juridical reasons of mass arrest of Kurdish politicians and journalists.

We condemn closing ROJ TV

-The public
-European Union Parliament
-International organizations for defending freedom of speech.
-All European Parliaments
– All organizations of Defending Kurdish cultural rights
-Reporters without Borders.
-All organizations of defending freedom of speech.


The Belgium government have organized a raid on the ROJ TV, which has spectators from all four parts of Kurdistan as well as the kurds living abroad, and made an operation against the KNK. This attack, which has been directed against the identity and free will of the people of Kurdistan, is a continuation policy of Europe to sacrifice the Kurdish people for their political and economical interests. We condemn the state terror against the ROJ TV, which is targeted the voice of the kurdish people as well as the people and their cultures in the region, the KNK, and other Kurdish institutions. The Government of Belgium’s detention of the Chairman of the Kongra-Gel, which is the Parliament of Kurdish People, the other kurdish politicians and diplomats in this operation, is an attack nothing more than to offend and defamation of the Kurdish people. The Government of Belgium must put an end to these attacks and should release those detained immediately.

Mass arrests of Kurds in Belgium causes great concern across Europe

At 5am this morning, the offices of ROJ TV were raided by the Belgium along with several other addresses in Belgium. 30 people were arrested including Mr Remzi Kartal, Mr Zubeyir Aydar and Mr Eyep Duru. Though we understand that ROJ TV has not been closed down none of the journalists have yet been allowed back into the building and transmission has ceased for the time being. ROJ TV is the mouthpiece of the Kurdish community in Europe and is seen as a beacon of hope for all those who seek the resolution of the Kurdish Question.

The Uprooted: Photo Exhibition

From March 1st through the 14th 2010, the photo exhibition by Yuri Ivashchenko, The Uprooted, will be taking place at the Museum and Public Center A.D Sakharov.

Kurdish National Congress (KNK) Representative, Metin Yuksel’s Speech to the European Parliament

"Until now the leaders of Turkey have approached this problem by denying, suppressing, eliminating and assimilating. The current AKP government is continuing this same policy using more refined methods. Their primary aim is the suppression and elimination of the Kurdish Freedom Movement and the assimilation and Turkification of the Kurdish People. This is still the policy in practice…"