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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

YASA e.V. – Kurdish Centre for Legal Studies & Consultancy

YASA has begun to publish a monthly report in three languages concerning the violation of the human rights of the Kurds in Syria. We regularly receive information from various human rights organisations in Syria, which we translate and published with a neutral and objective position.

Executions continue in Balochistan-Iran, Reza Hossein Borr

In a desperate attempt to crush demonstrations in Iran, the Islamic Republic of Iran has decided to hang three more Baloch political activists who are charged of the imaginary allegations of corrupting the earth and fighting God, a mysterious allegation that can be interpreted according to the desires of the Islamic judges of Iran to include everybody who seeks any kind of justice, fairness and freedom.

The council for the support of the campaigns of Iranian people

A meeting will be held in the Conway Hall, London to express solidarity with the struggle and campaigns of the Iranian people for change in Iran. After the biggest election fraud in Iran in the history of the world, the Iranian people decided to seek justice and rerun of elections. Ayatollah Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran who had supervised the biggest fraud, refused to hold new elections and the Iranian people began to protest in their millions.

Kurdistan elections – a turning point for Kurdish democracy

Ararat News Publishing (ANP), 22 July 2009, Hewler-Kurdistan – Kurds suffered many hundreds of years. Now first time in the history twenty four political entities, including five alliances and five personalities are participating free in Kurdish parliamentary and presidency elections in Federal Kurdistan in Iraq. Independent journalist Kamal Chomani reporting from Kurdistan.

The Left Party MPs:Release free yuksel Mutlu without conditions!

Two MPs Amineh Kakabaveh and Hans Linde from the Left Party in Sweden wrote today a letter to Turkish President Abdullah Gül, and demanded that the female representative on human rights organization – IHD Yuksel Mutlu release, without conditions, from Bergama prison.
Yuksel Mutlu has worked a long time in Turkey with human rights issues, and fought for women's rights. Last, she wrote together with the Women's platform for a Lasting Peace (Surekli Baris icin kadin platformu) a report on the massacre in Mazidag. Following the report, she was arrested by Turkish security forces May 28, 2009, and imprisoned in the town of Bergama.
We publish their letter: