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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

Turkey’s Kurdish rebels extend ceasefire

TUNCELI, Turkey, June 1 (Reuters) – Kurdish rebels fighting the Turkish military have extended a unilateral ceasefire by six weeks to pursue a peaceful resolution of the conflict, a website close to the group said on Monday.

Amnesty International Report: No Improvements in Turkey

28 May 2009,
In its annual report, Amnesty International cites many cases of human rights violations. The rights of human rights activists, refugees, homosexuals and transgender people, children and others were not respected.

Iran extends its influence in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Reza Hossein Borr

The Islamic Republic of Iran is taking advantage of a lapse in American politics when President Obama is formulating his new Middle East policies to actualize its expansionist policies in the Middle East. Just a few days after the summit meeting of American president with the presidents of Afghanistan and Pakistan, president Ahmadinejad invited the presidents of both countries to Iran in a comprehensive show of unity. The president of Iran was able to emphasize the strategy of regional peace and security by the governments of the region while both Pakistan and Afghanistan are heavily dependent on America for their survival.

Flemish parliament resolution calls for closer ties with Kurdistan Region

Brussels, Belgium ( – The Flemish parliament has unanimously passed a resolution calling for closer political, economic and cultural cooperation with the Kurdistan Region in Iraq. The resolution was proposed by four MPs in the Flemish parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee shortly after they visited the Region in April on a fact-finding mission.

Dutch politicians interested in the Kurds

On Wednesday 13 May 2009, there was a round-table meeting about the current political situation in the Iraqi Kurdistan and the situation of Kurds in general in the House of Representatives of The Netherlands. The meeting was attended by several members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Dutch Parliament, intellectuals, journalists and students of various Dutch Universities.

Testimony crisis may hinder solution

Only a few days after pledges by the government to solve Turkey's Kurdish question, hopes for an end to the long-standing problem seem to have been suspended due to a parliamentary crisis that erupted following an official notice ordering five pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) deputies to testify as part of ongoing legal cases in which they are implicated.