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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

Appeal to the President of the United States of America Barack Hussein Obama

Dear Mr. President,
When you go to Turkey on 5th April 2009 we beg of you earnestly not to leave urgent human rights problems by the wayside. Solving these would, on the one hand, strengthen internationally the position and reputation
of Turkey and be, on the other, of benefit to the European Union and the United States.

DTP Has Proven That It Represents Kurds

According to Associate Professor Mesut Yegen, sociologist at the Middle Eastern Technical University in Ankara, the local elections have shown two points clearly:

The Genocide on Kurds in 1988, European Parliament, 2nd April 2009

The idea is to organize a seminar to raise awareness about Saddam Hussein's genocide against the Kurds in 1988 when some 182,000 people were killed according to official figures. The single most known attack was conducted using gas against the city of Halabja where 5000 people were killed.