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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

Piolalibri Bruxelles: Zerocalcare & Kobane Calling /// Piolalibri

  EVENT: Monday 30 May, 7pm Piolalibri Bruxelles - Rue Franklin 66-68, 1000 Brussels, Belgium  (Z)ZeroCalcare torna a trovarci lunedì 30 maggio in occasione dell'uscita del suo ultimo libro "Kobane calling" edito...

Call for Kurdish actors for new feature film

In collaboration with the Kurdish Institute Belgium, the production company 'a private view' is searching for Kurdish background-actors/actresses for Sahim Omar Kalifa's debut feature film, 'Zagros' What? 'Zagros' is a love-drama that entails the story about the...

Turkish opposition leader speaks out as MPs debate legal immunity law

Published by The Guardian 17 May 2016 President Erdoğan would use law stripping parliamentarians of immunity to target opposition MPs, warns pro-Kurdish HDP’s Selahattin Demirtaş A push by the Turkish government to strip parliamentarians of their immunity is a clear...

Kurdistan National Congress calls on Kurds to open their borders

    Published by ARA News 16 May 2016 QAMISHLO – The Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) is to protest the closure of borders between the Kurdish areas of Syria and Iraq on Monday afternoon while the 100th anniversary of the Sykes-Picot agreement is...

HDP Statement: Kamuran Yüksek’s Arrest Cannot Dishearten Us

In a grave move against the interests of the peoples of Turkey and of democratic politics and peace, DBP Co-Chair Mr. Kamuran Yüksek has been arrested. Mr. Kamuran Yüksek, co-Chair of Democratic Regions Party (DBP) has been arrested after an unlawful process of...

Turkey dismisses UN alarm at alleged rights abuses in Kurdish region

Foreign ministry refutes claim after UN expressed concern at lack of response to requests to conduct research in area This article was published on the website of The Guardian on 11 May 2016. The Turkish foreign ministry has dismissed a UN statement raising alarm over...

Rojava revolution: reshaping masculinity – Rahila Gupta

Published by Open Democracy 9 May 2016 Rojava's battle with ISIS stronghold  Raqqa is not simply a military one, but an ideological one in which the position of women could not be more polarised. Part 4. While I am in Rojava in northern Syria, the very first women’s...

Turkey accused of violating rights of Kurds, Syrians

Published by The Washington Post 10 May 2016 By Suzan Fraser and Dominique Soguel  ANKARA, Turkey — Turkey came under scrutiny on Tuesday for alleged human rights violations committed by security forces against Kurds in the southeast and Syrian refugees trying to...