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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

Who is TAK and why did it attack Ankara?

An ambulance arrives after an explosion in Ankara, Turkey, Feb. 17, 2016. Twenty-nine people were killed in a suicide attack in the Turkish capital. (photo by REUTERS/Umit Bektas) It was July 6, 2005. The location was Kusadasi, Turkey, a prominent tourism center on...

PETITION: Suspend Turkey’s Membership of NATO

The preamble to the NATO treaty states that their member states are "determined to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilisation of their peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law"...

UN ‘deeply concerned’ by EU-Turkey plan

"Twenty percent of the Syrians arriving in Greece were families without a husband or a father," said Grandi (Photo:Fotomovimiento) Published by EU Observer 8 March 2016 Plans by the EU and Turkey to expel anyone, including Syrians, who used smugglers to reach Greece...

Seminar with Tarifa Ali – Saturday 12 March – AIDA

  AIDA - Intercultural Association for Artistic Development Welcomes you to 'LET'S THINK TOGETHER' Seminar with TRIFA ALI - Kurdish-Canadian intellectual feminist Canadian Indigenous Women before Christianization - Mesopotamian and Kurdish Women before...

HDP STATEMENT: Latest Situation in Sur

  Dear Madam / Sir, The curfews in Southeast of Turkey, declared in 21 districts of 7 Kurdish provinces for 58 times, have lasted 454 days in total. The curfew in the Sur district of Diyarbakir, declared by Diyarbakır Governorship on 2 Dec 2015, entered its 95th...


UPDATE: the conference is postponed because of the tragic events in Brussels In cooperation with: Kurdish Institute Brussels Brussels, European Parliament, 23 March 2016 Interpretation available in English and Arabic   Faylee Kurds, as their name indicates, are...

Zaman newspaper: Seized Turkish daily ‘now pro-government’

Image copyrightEPAImage captionThe picture, taken by Zaman, appears to show a wounded woman outside the newspaper offices on SaturdayPublished by BBC News 06 March 2016 Turkey's biggest newspaper, Zaman, has published an edition carrying pro-government articles, two...