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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

Doctors Without Borders Open New Hospital In Kobanê

The medical relief organization Doctors Without Borders has begun work for a new 13-bed hospital in  Kobanê, according to an article from DIHA carried in Özgür Gündem. Until now the city had just two hospitals – one military and one civilian – with a total capacity of...

HRW Report: ISIS Escapees Describe Systematic Rape

(New York) – The extremist group Islamic State (also known as ISIS) has carried out systematic rape and other sexual violence against Yezidi women and girls in northern Iraq. Human Rights Watch conducted research in the town of Dohuk in January and February 2015,...

Dutch Parliament Recognizes Assyrian, Greek and Armenian Genocide

Joel Voordewind, member of the Dutch Parliament.The Hague (AINA) -- The Dutch Parliament passed a binding resolution yesterday recognizing the genocide of Assyrians, Greeks and Armenians by Ottoman Turks during World War One. The resolution, tabled by MP Joel...