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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

13 year sentence for lowering Turkish flag

Ömer Mutlu was given 13 years and 9 months in prison for lowering Turkish flag in Amed last year.             Ömer Mutlu has received a long prison sentence for lowering the Turkish flag at a Turkish Air Force base during a protest into...

One woman’s journey from prisoner to mayor – Amberin Zaman

Gultan Kisanak, now mayor of Diyarbakir, speaks with journalists after casting her ballot in Diyarbakir on March 30, 2014. (photo by ILYAS AKENGIN/AFP/Getty Images)   Gultan Kisanak is the first female mayor of the southeastern city of Diyarbakir, which is widely...

Rojava Goes To The Polls

Voters in 12 cities across the Cizîrê Canton of Rojava went to the polls yesterday in order to elect municipal councils, explains an article in Özgür Gündem. Polls opened at 8:00 AM local time and voters were able to cast their ballots until 08:00 in the evening. 160...

Newroz message Abdullah Öcalan

Newroz message Abdullah Öcalan

Abdullah Ocalan, Imrali Island Prison 21st March 2015 TO ALL OUR PEOPLE; I am greeting the Newroz of all our people and friends who are on the side of peace, equality, freedom and democracy. The crisis caused by neoliberal policies imposed on the whole world by...

Newroz greetings from Lucina Kathmann

Dear friends, Another year, another Newroz. Amazingly, the Kurds have held firm. They are still enormously effective, men and women, all religions, all regions and all regional linguistic inflections. You are all wonderful. There have been many losses. I deeply regret...

An appeal to the international community

An appeal to the international community

We have a common responsibility to prevent another genocide It started with Kobane and Sinjar, and now we are witnessing the same developments in Til Temir, Serê Kanî and Al Hasaka. Since February 22th, these areas have come under a brutal and barbaric assault by the...

Rebuilding Kobani: call for help from a city in ruins

19 Feb 2015 by Yvo Fitzherbert The liberation of Kobani was a bittersweet victory that left the town devastated. Reconstruction has begun and the need for solidarity and aid is urgent. "When Kobani was liberated, it was a beautiful feeling. A feeling of freedom," my...

Iran urged to halt execution of political prisoners

KI, Brussels, 19/2/15, Reports from BBC, Kurdish Question and Amnesty International BREAKING: Saman Naseem’s execution did not go ahead as originally scheduled this morning (19/2/15). Saman remains at risk so please keep the pressure on the Iranian government to halt...