Mohsen Rezaee officially announced to be a candidate for the Iranian presidential election in eastern Kurdistan
The secretary general of Expediency Discernment Council addressed the people of Divandareh in the city’s Grand Mosque: “I have been asked several time whether I will participate in the scene of presidential election or not, and I had postponed the answer to this question to the appropriate time and place, and today, among the people of Divandareh in Kurdistan province I announce that I will participate in the forthcoming presidential election.”
On the afternoon of Monday, March 4, amongst the people of Divandareh, Mohsen Rezaee said: “I am announcing this (my candidature) in this city in order to show my belief and approach towards resolving the country’s issues, and on top of that, unemployment and inflation, with the help of people and the young.”
He goes on to say: “many, advised me to make my participation in the election official, in Tehran, since it will grab the attention of the press; however, for the reasons I mentioned, I decided to announce this matter in Divandareh.”
“Today, on my way to Divandareh, I opened a Qur’an the Mamosta of Salahaddin Ayoubi mosque had given me and got my blessing from there, too”, said the secretary general of Expediency Discernment Council and continued to point out the economic issues: “Today, what people earn builds up the foundation of their lives; if production costs, and of course, people income increase, we will witness a decline in immigration and even reversion of immigrations and this is the responsibility officials have on their shoulders.”
“We must trust people with their generation of employment so that we can overcome both unemployment and inflation; because any where we have counted on people we have overcome the harshest obstacles and the example for that is the Holy Defense”, Rezaee added. “Today, in our country, many gaps have appeared particularly in the area of economy and culture, which have to be indentified and filled, and this is plausible and we have to remedy the situation with the help of people.”
“Using the country’s tremendous capacities, especially the public capacity, we must rectify the economy, culture, industry, agriculture and the lives of people, and I would like to do that with the youth of third and fourth generation of the revolution; with those young people whom may no one know.”
The secretary general of Expediency Discernment Council stated: “I have such style and approach that I work with people and the young, and to this end I have prepared comprehensive plans. With the help of God and people and with the enlightening advices of Ayatollah Khamenei in the coming years, not only will we overcome the sanctions, but we will also bring prosperity to the economy of Iran, and this is doable with the condition of counting on people.” http://rojhelat.info/en/?p=5436
International Women’s Day celebrated in Ney and women assembled in Imam mountain in Meriwan
ANF, Meriwan — The ceremony of 8th of March, the International Women’s Day, was held by ”Meriwan’s Women Society” with association of civil activists in Ney (village in eastern Kurdistan). Also with the initiative of Meriwan’s Women society, a group of women celebrated the International Women’s Day over the mountain of Imam.
Celebration of women’s day and massacre of Helebce
The ceremony of 8th of March the International Women’s Day was held by “Mariwan’s Women Society” with association of civil activists in Ney. Photo exhibition of Martyrs of Helebce was held with presence of hundreds of people from Ney and Meriwan, meanwhile members of Mariwan’s Women Society visited the exhibition and performed the special event regarding to International Women’s Day. In this event one of the Women’s Society Members cited a poem for the martyrs of Helebce. And then one of the society’s members spoke about the women’s day, status of women,
inequality and violence against women, suicide and murder of women; also they express their appreciation to the village Mamosta (priest) and the residents of village due to honoring the women status.
Women assembled in “Imam” mountain in Meriwam
Saturday 9th of March 2013 active members of Meriwan’s Women Society assembled with the aim of celebrating International Women’s Day and spreading their activities in the Imam mountain in Meriwan. Three members of women activists spoke about history behind 8th of March, the unequal rules, violence against women, and also current women’s social problems.
Finally, They congratulated International Women’s Day to all women around the World, particularly to the Kurdish women.
Firat News Agency (fa.firatajans.com)-Translated By: Rojhelat.info, http://rojhelat.info/en/?p=5432
Iran intelligence agency in Meriwan rejected The Green Community of Chiyay Meriwan’s request for plant sapling
ANF, Meriwan — A few days ago, with spring approaching, ‘The Green Community of Chiyay Meriwan’ officially requested authorities in Meriwan, city in eastern Kurdistan, to issuing permit for plant sapling , but Iranian intelligence agency was rejected their request.
According to a local source told Firat Agency, a few days ago activist in ‘The Green Community of Chiyay Meriwan’ with approaching spring requested Iranian authorities in Meriwan to issuing permit for plant sapling, but Iranian intelligence agency was rejected their request.
‘The Green Community of Chiyay Meriwan’ is a civic community that focuses on protecting environment in Meriwan, and has intense activities to prevent forest fires. Many times its members under Iranian regime pressure have been imprisoned.
Firat News Agency (fa.firatajans.com)-Translated By: Rojhelat.info, http://rojhelat.info/en/?p=5427
A message from Abdul Rahman Haji Ahmadi in observance of Women’s International Day
ANF — Abdul Rahman Haji Ahmadi, the head of Free Life Party of Kurdistan, PJAK, through a message congratulated women’s international day, March 8th, to all the women across the world, especially to the women of Kurdistan.
It is stated in Abdul Rahman Haji Ahmadi, head of PJAK’s message: “156 years has passed from the rising of the women in New York against cruelty and unjustness, in shade of those revolutionary women, who were violently suppressed by the police. That was the first movement by women against cruelty and oppression caused by the several-thousand-year patriarchy system of anti-humanism and immorality. The revolutionary women continued their struggles and activities. After 50 years they returned to the scene to claim their right to vote. In 1921, in the third international communism conference in Moscow, the 8th of March was officially announced as women’s international day. March 8th means “activity and struggle against unjustness, the cruel authority, and inferiority caused by the patriarchal system”.
The Kurdish women are oppressed from two sides: on one side, they are deprived from any national right, just like one part of the Kurdish nation, and they have to play their role in getting their freedom from the invaders, along with their brothers; and on the other side, they have to struggle against the patriarchal system shadowed over the Kurdish society.
Standing bravely and victoriously, the Kurdish women are rising in these two arenas. It is a matter of much pride to see the Kurdish woman rising and shining in all the political, social, and cultural scenes and actively seeking freedom over the nations of the world.”
The head of PJAK adds to his message: “In the same way that the human culture springs from Mesopotamia, women’s struggle for freedom has begun, as a struggle between the two genders, in Kurdistan. Although over a short period of time, the women of Kurdistan have taken considerably big steps in political and social scenes to gain national freedom.
In the anti-humanistic patriarchal system, it is impossible to achieve the freedom of the human society without freedom of women. This, is Apo (Abdullah Ocalan)’s philosophy and paradigm that asserts: “a nation would never be free, unless its women are free. The process of terminating the patriarchal system and freedom of women, without any sexual discrimination in Kurdistan, has born and developed in the mountains of Zagros and Qendil, and in the future it will be transformed to all
over the Middle East and the world.”
The day of March the 8th represents a symbol of women’s freedom, with absolutely no discrimination between woman and man, and thus creating a truly free society.
Firat News Agency (fa.firatajans.com)-Translated By: Rojhelat.info, http://rojhelat.info/en/?p=5422
YJRK (Eastern Kurdistan Women’s Union): Illuminating example of sacrifices; elevating struggle levels of women’s army across all Kurdistan
ANF — “The Eastern Kurdistan Women’s Union, YJRK” published a statement for March 8, International Women’s Day, congratulated this day as a celebration of freedom for women, and stated: “Today, with the sunrise of people’s freedom in the Middle East, particularly, in the Arab countries, we are witnessing women’s forefront role. However the sun for their freedom is falling rather than rise. The efforts are once more being made to marginalize women.”
In their statement on February 21st, 2013, the union of the women of eastern Kurdistan recognized March 8, International Women’s Day, an illuminating example of women’s struggle for freedom.
The Eastern Kurdistan Women’s Union added: “We congratulate the celebration of March 8th’s struggle for freedom firstly, to our leader, Apo (Abdullah Ocalan), the founder of the ideology of women’s freedom-seeking, and also to all the women struggling and sacrificing their lives for freedom. Equally, on this day, we express our best wishes to all Kurdish women all over the Kurdistan, particularly to mothers of peace and all the women struggling for a society of freedom and equality.
“With a glance to the history of humanity, and particularly that of women, we would observe that, in spite of all historical changes and enforcing slavery on society and women, the women’s struggles for freedom have never ended. The demand for freedom and a meaningful life has continuously been increasing. Such struggles over the world and in countries like France, Germany, the USA, the Middle East, and in Kurdistan are undeniable. March the 8th is marked as a memory of endeavors and sacrifices made by women who have consistently followed their purpose in these struggles, to day.”
The attack on the ideology of women’s freedom-seeking
YRJK (Eastern Kurdistan Women’s Union) asserts in its statement: “Today, with the sunrise of people’s freedom in the Middle East, particularly, in the Arab countries, we are witnessing women’s forefront role. However the sun for their freedom is falling rather than rise. The efforts are once more being made to marginalize women. This is particularly obvious in the massacre of Kurdish people in Kurdistan, and the massacre of three Kurdish women, Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan, and Leyla Saylemez in Paris. The purpose followed in such treasons is to continue the international conspiracy and frustrating the effort for finding a solution to the Kurdish question. By attacking the ideology of women’s freedom-seeking, which, of course, is founding a valuable life and a new society, they are after imposing their own cheap ideas.”
Women-opposing rules in Iran
The Eastern Kurdistan Women’s Union adds by pointing out the present situation of women in Iran and eastern Kurdistan, “any form of thoughts for freedom and, particularly, the ideology of women’s freedom-seeking are opposed and confronted by either execution, imprisoning, and arresting; manipulative politics are employed, instead. Women-opposing rules in Iran overshadows the history and life of Iranian women. However, it is obvious that the Kurdish women have not only been impervious in their struggles against the minority ruling men, who are forcing women to suicide and self-immolation, but have also strengthened and advanced their organizations and freedom-seeking struggles. A wave of freedom-seeking struggles initiated with the leadership of leader Apo (Abdullah Ocalan), and the freedom-seeking ideology in the north of Kurdistan has been spread all over Kurdistan, and even over the Middle East and has consequently raised the level of determination and self-confidence all over Kurdistan. The illuminating example of these sacrifices
and braveries is the elevated struggle levels of women’s army over all Kurdistan; they are all completely prepared to withstand any kind of political, military, cultural, or public attack. Today, the voice of mothers, seeking freedom and struggling for it, is well-heard by people of the world.
There are thousands of women who sacrificed themselves in their endeavor to keep the tree of independence and determination of their society, tall and alive; the martyred Zilan, Beritan, Viyan Soran, Leyla Qasim, Mina Qazi, Shirin Alam Hooli, among others. The highlight of these struggling women are the martyred “Sakine Cansiz and her friends”. Along with these women, dozens and hundreds of struggling stateswomen, like Zeinab Jalalian, are fighting and holding out against the invaders in order to achieve the true life of freedom.”
Women’s struggle in west of Kurdistan
YJRK additionally asserts: “also, in the Rojava (west of Kurdistan), the freedom-seeking women
play a key role in participating in leading the Kurdish people to a level of independency of
reconstructing a new society. To this reason, supporting Rojava (west Kurdistan) women’s
endeavors and braveries is same as keeping the values of Kurdish people. Since these values are in
line with the values of Rojava (west Kurdistan) women, we must strongly support them. This,
furthermore, proves the fact that for women, particularly for Kurdish women, every single day is
March, the 8th and a day to struggle. Therefore, we will not settle until we achieve our goals.”
The struggle for freedom of the creator of ideology of women’s freedom-seeking
YJRK emphasizes, at the end, that: “as “The Eastern Kurdistan Women’s Union, YJRK” we are
calling all Kurdish women, particularly the women of eastern Kurdistan, that if we are aimed at
dignity, determination and free thinking, if we are to stop other women’s self-immolation, their
massacre for sake of habits and following patriarchy, and more importantly, if you do not wish to
witness new conspiracies and treasons against our ideology and thoughts resulting in our losing the
“Sakine’s, Shirin Alam Hooli’s, and Leyla Leyla Qasim’s”, then we are to relentlessly struggle just
like we struggle for our water and bread. Not only on March 8, but also in every single day we must
continue our freedom-seeking struggles and fight against violence, gender discrimination, and
patriarchy so that we could respect the dignity of the suffering hard-working women, who gave
their lives on the way to freedom, like Sakine Cansiz and her friends, Leyla Qasim, Shirin Alam
Hooli, etc.”
YJRK (Eastern Kurdistan Women’s Union) ends its statement by asserting: “more importantly, our
struggle is directed to the freedom of leader Apo (Abdullah Ocalan), who has devotedly sacrificed
his life to the freedom of Kurdish people, and particularly of Kurdish women. Now it has been 14
years since he has been strongly standing while confined solitarily in the island of Imrali; hoping for
a free life in a free homeland. It is our, Kurdish women’s, historical, moral and humanistic
responsibility to fight on the way of our leader Apo’s freedom. The freedom of leader Apo
(Abdullah Ocalan), is the freedom of Kurdish people, and of the women.”
Firat News Agency (www.firatnews.com)-Translated By: Rojhelat.info, http://rojhelat.info/en/?p=5414
Abdullah Ocalan: A free nation cannot be possible without free women
Newroz TV — Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of Kurdish nation sent a message in relation to 8th
March, the International Women´s Day, and was read in a meeting that was organized in the city of
Amed in relation to the 8 March on 3rd February. Ocalan in his message asked women to reject the
slavery and to engage in a substantial revolution.
The message of Ocalan with the title of “For the Seekers of Truth, Justice and Altruism” reads as
The 8th March should not be the only day for women. The fact that only 8th March is a celebration of
women indicates the deep roots of slavery of women in the world.
The struggle for women’s freedom is the subject that I seriously focus on it. I cannot see this issue
less than a war for freedom. For the victory of our revolution in Kurdistan, the most fundamental
issue is analyzing the life and role of women. Women are in the center of all activities from war to
the process of peace and substantial freedom.
“The 21st century is the time period of freedom for women from the dark side of civilization that
denied women. I call this time period as the period of darkness and ice age,” Ocalan added.
“We should not forget that living with women needs enough knowledge. Until then there would not
be a substantial revolution of women and also without that knowledge change in the attitude of men
and change in life is impossible. A free nation cannot be possible without free women.”
The leader of Kurdish people in the end of his message states:
“Sakine is the symbol of movement and freedom of women. Sakine’s life and her struggle was a
symbol for freedom of women. The struggle of Sakine itself is a manifestation of freedom of
women. It is my message for the 8th March.”
Newroz TV (www.newroz.tv)-http://rojhelat.info/en/?p=5408
Salih Muslim blamed Turkey for bloodshed in Syria and West Kurdistan
NEWROZ TV — Salih Muslim the leader of The Democratic Union Party (PYD) blamed Turkey
for bloodshed in Syria and West Kurdistan.
Salih Muslim in a press conference in Paris on February 27 stated; it was Turkey that diverted the
Syrian revolution from its main way and militarized it. It is Turkey that supports Jihadists groups in
While emphasizing that Turkey intervenes in the internal affairs of Syria, Muslim said: “Ankara
wants to change the situation of Syria in its favor. Turkey supports the Syrian opposition with the
condition that the opposition cut their ties with Kurds”.
“The Jihadist group of Jebhat al-Nusra is being trained in the camps in Turkey with the support of
Turkish government”, the leader of PYD added.
“What Kurdish people are doing in West Kurdistan is a mere self-defence”, Muslim stated.
On the other, hand At least five people died and eleven others were wounded as a result of artillery
shootings by the military of the Baas regime on February 26.
The artillery shootings which targeted the Kurdish neighborhoods of Şêx Meqsûd and Esrefiye in
Aleppo caused a great damage in the houses and living areas of civilians.
Among the wounded are also four children aged under 13.
In retaliation, People’s Defense Units, YPG on February 28 clashed with Syrian regime forces. At
least 1 Syrian soldier killed, several injured and 11 soldiers captured by YPG forces in these
Around 600 thousand Kurds live in the neighborhoods of Shex Meqsud and Eshrefiye in Aleppo.
Newroz TV (newroz.tv)-http://rojhelat.info/en/?p=5393
Iranian security forces raided the homes of villagers
NEWROZ TV — The Iranian security forces raided the homes of four Kurdish civilians in the
village Brweshxwaran, beat them and searched their home. According to the local sources, Iranian
security forces raided the homes of Shefiq Aqacani, Dawud Cehangir Zade and Irac Iyuri in the
village of Brweshxwaran around the city of Selmas, searched their homes and brutally beat them.
These actions had done by security forces and plain clothes without any warrant, the report
added. Security forces also seized their satellite dish, documents and personal instruments.
Security forces accused these four Kurds of cooperating with Kurdish political parties opposed to
Iranian regime. NEWROZ TV, http://rojhelat.info/en/?p=5364
A Kurdish Kolber died after was shot and injured by Iranian security forces
NEWROZ TV — A Kurdish civilian from the city of Bane that was shot and injured by Iranian
security forces has died of his wounds. According to the local sources, he died on February 22 in
the city of Bane in eastern Kurdistan.
Around three weeks ago, Iranian security forces shot at Sei´d Solemani, a resident of village,
Gewredar a Kurdish civilian in suspicion of carrying smuggled goods. He severely injured and
efforts by doctors of the Hospital of Bane in saving his life were ineffective.
On the other hand, according to the local sources, last week Iranian security forces in the valley of
Zertke around the city of Serdesht ambushed a group of Kolbers (people who carry goods across the
border on their back), seized their goods and threw at least 47 horses and mules of this group from
top of a hill.
In addition, several weeks ago, the brutal massacres of tens of horses of Kurds in the city of Bane
by Iranian security forces brought a wave of condemnations from people, even the Bane´s
representative in Iranian parliament officially discussed this subject in Iranian parliament.
In recent years, Iranian security forces has been following the policy of starvation of Kurds, has
stepped up their attacks and also extrajudicial killings of innocent Kurds have increased especially
in the border areas of eastern Kurdistan where the main sources of living income of many Kurds
located. NEWROZ TV, http://rojhelat.info/en/?p=5359
Prison sentences asked for Kurdish politicians in France
Three to five years in prison has been asked for 18 Kurdish politicians whose trial is going on since
their detention in 2007 in France.
The action of objection in the trial was held from 11 to 27 February. The court decision on Kurdish
politicians will be announced on 23 April 2013.
Speaking in court following the two-days lasting defense statements by lawyers, Kurdish politician
Nedim Seven demanded light beeing shed on the execution of Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and
Leyla Şaylemez in Paris on 9 January. Seven remarked that the French court trying them was a
political act, adding; “None of the trials of Kurds will go beyond making a political decision unless
the 30 years-old war between the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party), Kurds and the Turkish state is
taken to trial at an international and independent court. Just like the former decision, the new
decision to be made will also be a political one because of the political character of the case”.
Seven pointed out that the court decision will never be able to deter them nor the Kurdish people
from taking part in the freedom struggle of Kurds. Calling attention to the ongoing process of talks
between the Turkish state and Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, Seven called on the French state to
end its repressive policies against Kurds and to side with dialogue and peace instead.
During the action of objection, which took place in Paris last week, EMP deputy Marie Christine
Vergiat, who was heard as witness together with BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) deputy co-chair
Meral Beştaş, called attention to French state’s Kurdish policy which – she said – had changed in
2007 because of France’s relations with Turkey. Verdiat demanded independence by French judicial
The security cooperation agreement made by France and Turkey in October 2011 allows police
forces of both countries to carry out joint operations against Kurds. This cooperation not only leads
to the arrest of hundreds of Kurds living in France but also promotes attacks on Kurdish
associations in France and other European countries.
French authorities have yet shed no light on the execution of Sakine Cansız, a co-founder of the
PKK, Fidan Doğan, representative of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) in Paris and Leyla
Şaylemez, member of the Kurdish youth movement, in Paris on 9 January.
Around 250 Kurds have been taken into custody in France for political reasons since 2007, among
them being Adem Uzun, member of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK), who has been under
arrest since his detention in Paris in October 2012. Despite all the reactions that French left-wing
parties and non-governmental organizations have raised against the security agreement with Turkey,
the ruling Socialist Party is maintaining the criminalization policies against Kurds first adopted by
the Sarkozy government. ANF News Agency, http://rojhelat.info/en/?p=5336
Ahmet Türk: Military operations weakening the trust in peace process
Democratic Society Congress (DTK) co-chairs Ahmet Türk and Aysel Tuğluk, Peace and
Democracy Party (BDP) co-chairs Selahattin Demirtaş and BDP deputies Altan Tan and Sırrı
Süreyya Önder are establishing contacts in the city of Sulaimaniya in Federal Kurdistan Region.
The delegation is expected to go to Kandil in a couple of days to deliver the letter sent by Kurdish
people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan jailed in Imralı prison.
DTK co-chair Ahmet Türk and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (YNK)Central Committee Member
Mele Bextiyar held a joint press conference after a meeting between the BDP delegation and YNK
executives on Thursday.
Speaking here, Bextiyar pointed out that YNK has been supporting the ceasefire and peace attempts
the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) has made since 1993, adding; “We believe a mutual ceasefire
should be declared in the current process. Concerning the peace process initiated in Imralı prison,
we call on politicians from South Kurdistan to support this call of ours and to give Turkish state a
message of strong unity among Kurds”.
Speaking after, Ahmet Türk said that they will continue establishing contacts with political circles
in South Kurdistan to take their opinion about BDP’s intention to involve all Kurds in the current
process for a solution to the Kurdish question.
Türk called attention to the ongoing aerial assaults targeting Media Defense Areas and South
Kurdistan, saying; “The intense bombardment in Kandil in the ongoing process of talks weakens
Kurdish people’s trust in peace process”.
Asked about PKK’s alleged plans for laying down arms, Türk said that disarmament should be the
last issue to debate in the process of dialogue. “There is a primary need to develop a peaceful
atmosphere for the solution of the Kurdish question. There is also a need for a mutual ceasefire. We
think politicians in South Kurdistan are also of the same opinion”.
ANF News Agency, http://rojhelat.info/en/?p=5287

On the current situation in Western Kurdistan
As the fighting continues and indeed intensifies it becomes more evident by the day that the
turmoil in Syria has no easing in sight. This has to do with several reasons. Firstly, as the
conflict wears on, the opposition that was organized by the country’s majority Sunni
population looks more and more fragmented and radicalized which has prompted the peoples
of Syria as well as the West to shun its support for the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Syrian
National Council (which operates mainly from outside of Syria).
With groups such as Jubhat al-Nusra and Ghuraba al-Sham joining the ranks of the FSA coupled
with the FSA leadership’s inability to prevent its own men from carrying out atrocities against
civilians a general disbelief has now spread in Syria which has led many people to believe that what
may follow after the horrific reign of Bashar al-Assad might not be much of an improvement.
Mutual war crimes Recently an independent UN panel investigation on war crimes in Syria led by
renowned legal scholar Paulo Pinheiro stated that war crimes had been carried out by both
government forces as well as by armed rebels. It also called on the UN Security Council to refer
violators to the International Criminal Court.
International battleground Syria has become an international battleground; it seems the Middle-
East’s accumulated contradictions over the past hundred years has been concentrated to Syria
making the many possible outcomes of the current upheaval an incentive for neighboring countries
such as Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi-Arabia as well as for Russia, China and the US to intervene in
order to secure own future policies.
As for now Iran stands as Bashar al-Assads most adamant ally. Iran’s support for the Syrian regime
is of course not merely based on sectarian reasons seeing as the small elite that have ruled Syria
since 1963 predominantly consists of alewites – a shia sect. It has more to do with geopolitical
reasons, Iran has a leverage on Israel in the form of Hizbollah in Lebanon which in turn is aided and
assisted by the Syrian regime. Saudi-Arabia, a close ally of the US and a firm adversary of Iran
seeks to minimize Iran’s influence in Syria and in the Middle-East by supporting the opposition.
Russia on the other hand is reluctant to lose its last remaining military hold in the Middle-East and
therefore supports the current regime.
Zero-sum game Syria’s revolution as a zero-sum game, with such a diversity of active participants,
was never going to reach a swift resolution that would lend itself to the constraints of news-editors
favorite epithet as yet another 30-seconds coverage of the so called “Arab spring”. The conflict in
Syria has now dragged on for over two years.
TEV-DEM The current situation brought the Kurds together with their Arab, Izadi (Yazidi) and
Christian brethren have taken it upon themselves to organize their own towns and villages
independently. The Western Kurdistan Democratic Movement (TEV-DEM), an umbrella
organization consisting of several different parties in the Kurdish region is currently, with
overwhelming support from the people, administrating several cities. This is done by democratically
elected councils and committees responsible for providing public services such as education,
welfare, policing and distribution of electricity, gas and flour.
Early on when the unrest began TEV-DEM stated that it would not side with any parts, it also
encouraged both sides to seek a peaceful resolution. At the same time Kurdish citizens joined
together to create an independent defense-force the Peoples Defense Units or the YPG. YPG would
serve the sole purpose of protecting the lives and homes of the peoples living in TEV-DEM
controlled cities and villages.
Independence or autonomy Despite of what some would claim, this has nothing to do with Kurds
seeking to break free from Syria. On the contrary TEV-DEM has firmly stated time and again that it
does not seek Kurdish independence but that the Kurdish regions, for obvious reasons, will seek to
remain autonomous from the brutal Baath-regime in order to implement democracy locally,
something which both the regime and the FSA has failed to do.
In the cross fire For the Kurds in Western Kurdistan (northern parts of the current Syria), the current
situation has seen them caught in the crossfire between the regime on one hand and armed jihadists
on the other. The Kurdish people have distanced themselves from the conflict between the regime
and the jihadists, but it has not been respected from any of them. Many times the jihadists have
moved the war to the Kurdish cities and districts by entering those areas without regard for their
neutrality. This erupted bombardment of Kurdish districts by the regime in both Aleppo an
Serêkaniye (Ras al-Ayn) where many Kurdish civilian were killed and injured. The jihadists fired
on the peaceful demonstrations in both districts where many civilians were killed and injured.
A kurdish model of self-governing The current model of self-governing and independent people
defense forces were rising in Kurdish areas, there is of course hope that will spread throughout
Syria. The Kurdish model for self-governing was based on two main foundations. The
democratically elected councils and committees, and independent defense forces. As the matter of
democratic principles the Kurdish model of self-governing is nither consistent with the Assadregime
nor with FSA as none of them have shown any signs of democratic tendencies or any road
map to solve the Kurdish question. That’s the reason the Kurds do not side with any of them. The
kurds are blaming both sides for not recognizing the Kurds national identity and rights.
Protecting people The Kurds had to a large extent been spared from the violent clashes between the
FSA and regime forces. Their disinclination to take sides prompted false accusations claiming the
Kurds were siding with the regime. However neither the YPG nor TEV-DEM has sided with either
Turkish interference In November last year armed groups closely affiliated with the FSA started
raiding Kurdish territories moving in and out across the Turkish border. Turkey has aided these
armed groups by supporting their attacks with artillery fire and also by treating wounded members
of the armed groups.
The border between Northern Serêkaniye (Ceylanpinar -Turkey) and Southern Serêkaniye (Ras al-
Ayn – Syria) which is otherwise closed has been used militarily as a channel for these armed groups
to plunder and kill their way thru the city and then safely return back to their bases inside Turkey.
As to the reasons to Turkeys backing of armed groups inside Syria the motives are quite clear. The
Turkish support for these groups has no doubt to do with their own internal “Kurdish issue”. Turkey
are worried that the newly won liberties in Kurdish cities and villages in Western Kurdistan (Syria)
will serve as an inspirational example for the Kurds In Northern Kurdistan (Turkey) which have
perhaps been even more suppressed than the Kurds in Western Kurdistan (Syria).
Seriousness of negotiations Recently Turkey has shown signs that it is willing to negotiate with
PKK-leader Abdullah Öcalan in order to settle the 30-year old armed conflict. It is in light of this
that Syria and Western Kurdistan presents itself as a serious problem for Turkey, any gains for
Kurds in Western Kurdistan is a gain for Kurds in other parts of Kurdistan. Whenever Turkey has
opened for negotiations they have at the same time intensified their war with the PKK. Turkey has
not only attacked Kurds inside in Western Kurdistan recently it has also intensified airstrikes on
PKK strongholds in Northern Kurdistan (Turkey) and in Southern Kurdistans (Northern Iraqs)
Qandil mountains. Contradictory as this may seem it serves a perfectly logical albeit perverse cause,
to weaken the Kurdish opposition when it’s time to sit down at the negotiation table.
FSA’s role When the attacks first started and the YPG fought back, Kurdish parties in the region
called on FSA to condemn the armed groups. They refrained from doing so and instead claimed that
the attacks had nothing to do with the FSA. However, the armed groups that entered Serêkaniye
(Ras al-Ayn – Syria) did so with tanks, military vehicles and weapons that had earlier been
confiscated by the FSA from regime armories in Aleppo. The same weapons have now somehow
fallen in the hands of these armed groups. By Roni Hajo, http://rojhelat.info/en/?p=5369
Karasu: French state knows the perpetrator of Paris killings
Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council member Mustafa Karasu spoke to
Nuçe Tv on Sunday evening about the execution of Sakine Cansız, a co-founder of the
Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Fidan Doğan, representative of the Kurdistan National
Congress (KNK) in Paris and Leyla Şaylemez, member of the Kurdish youth movement.
Karasu evaluated Paris killings as an attack against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) aimed at
the elimination of the Kurdish freedom movement. “This is not an ordinary but a significant
political incident as it targeted Sara, a leading member of the Kurdish Women’s Movement who was
of great importance for our comrades and our people”, said Karasu and noted that the Kurdish
people expected the French state to shed light on the killings.
“We see the attack on Sara as a part of an international conspiracy targeting the leading staff of the
PKK, just like the International Conspiracy which was organized against the Kurdish leader. Dirty
relations not only pose an obstacle to the enlightenment of this mass killing but also pave the way
for similar incidents. In this respect, we call on the French authorities to explain what they know
and to disclose the real perpetrators standing behind this mass killing”, he said.
Karasu continued saying that; “It is obvious that this organized execution has ties with the Turkish
state. When this is the case, it means the Turkish state or the government still doesn’t have a project
on the Kurdish question which cannot come up with a solution unless the perpetrators of these
killings are disclosed and convicted. Because the powers which planned this attack intend to break
the will of the Kurdish people and to eliminate the Kurdish Freedom Movement”.
Karasu underlined that the first step on the way to a solution should be to change the old mentality
and policy of the state and to eliminate the circles that organize and perpetrate such conspiracies
and murders.
Karasu noted that they think the Turkish state is involved in the killings because of the
government’s planning aimed at the elimination of the leading staff of the PKK.
It is open to question -added Karasu- why the French state has yet made no statements concerning
the suspect who was arrested in connection with the killings. The European side connived at this
mass killing, which means that the French state and its friends want the elimination of the Kurdish
Freedom Movement. On the other hand, the French state is carrying out political operations every
day and arresting our comrades, including Adem Uzun who acted as a negotiator in the process of
Oslo talks. Again, dozens of Kurds were arrested after Paris killings. There is an obvious
cooperation between Turkey and France which prevents the French state to explain the powers
behind the killings and to reveal Turkish state’s role in the incident. It is understood that these
powers are now intending to eliminate the PKK and its leading staff on the basis of the cooperation
they made in the international conspiracy against the Kurdish leader basing on mutual interest”.
Firat News Agency, http://rojhelat.info/en/?p=5253

“If the disarmament process will not go well, PKK would be more radical than it is”
Abbas Wali a Kurd from eastern Kurdistan and professor of political science and sociology.
He is also expert in topics such as Kurdish nationalism and Kurdish political movements. He
was asked to establish “University of Kurdistan” in Hewler in 2005 by Kurdistan regional
government. He has been teaching in Social Science Department in Boğaziçi University for
about four years. In this interview Imrali negotiations, potential disarmament of PKK and
Kurdish situation in region generally has been discussed.
Erdoğan, prime minister of Turkey says that “Imrali take expected steps” and it seems he
means process of disarmament of PKK, what do you think of possible steps over a short time?
Erdoğan wants to mention his perspective, and this has related to the ability and effect of Ocalan –
as the only address of negotiation on PKK. But in my opinion there is a point one should notice, the
leadership of PKK in Qendil want to participate directly in negotiations and they have repeated this
several times. Indeed Ocalan has his own influence on PKK and Qendil.
Could you make that clear?
Qendil wants to see practical steps, that is because they have responsibilities towards Gerilla and
have to convince them. I am assured that Ocalan understands this.
What can convince Qendil?
There are different ways to disarmament. A respectful disarmament is necessary to persuade them,
if not the movement would be more radical.
Is the withdrawal of PKK beyond the Turkey’s border reasonable first step?
Yes, it is. But it is not enough to answer the demands. Maybe Ocalan asks PKK to withdraw forces
beyond the borders of Turkey as they did in the past, while Ocalan was arrested but what happened
then? Government did not take serious steps and Gerilla returned back again. That must not be
happened again.
What can Ocalan do for this question? He must send a message! Ocalan seeks to continue
negotiations and he wants government so show goodwill. After that disarmament can goes ahead, of
course that is a complex stage.
I want you to understand me well. Disarmament is not a military process but that is political.
Therefore, political bases must be arranged. For example which forces monitor the disarmament
process? Under what conditions and to whom they give up their weapons? what will happen to
Gerilla after disarmament?
What do you think of immigration of forces (Gerilla) to other countries such as Australia?
PKK has not been fighting for more than twenty years to migrate to Australia. The question is that,
why Australia? Even right now, if they want they can go there. They want to be part of peace
process and actively participate in peace process.
Can Barzani play role as an observer in disarmament stage?
Barzani and an international institution can also monitor the process. In my opinion, it is easier for
PKK to give up weapons to Barzani or another Kurdish leader, but the important point is that under
what conditions the process goes on.
From Qendil?
Indeed, if all sides in Qendil will not be accepted suggestions and conditions offered by the
government the movement would be more radical than it is. Turkish government must understand
the power and effective role of Ocalan and must consider him seriously in the process.
What do you mean of considering Ocalan seriously?
Extreme expectations and pressure on Ocalan can have dangerous consequences. Turkish
government must care about art of diplomacy in negotiations to keep leadership of PKK united, and
then Ocalan can easily control them. Otherwise, there is a possibility of forming new groups inside
PKK, which in this case it would be difficult to control them. Prime minister must account on
Ocalan in such a position.
Does it mean to transfer Ocalan to a private house or keeping negotiation in different ways?
No, I mean informing Qendil on all steps. Qendil must indirectly participate in negotiations.
In your opinion, has government a right understanding of Ocalan?
Ocalan is a leader who has achieved a deep strategic and theoretical position in the movement.
Implementations of his demands inside Turkey are easily possible, if government puts aside oldfashioned
mentality. Look, today Ocalan is saying what he used to say fifteen years ago. I met him
in Italy before being arrested, and we had talked around five hours. He believed clearly that Kurdish
question cannot be solved by military means. He also defended his demands in a logical framework.
He was worried about Turkey that does not pave the way for a peaceful solution. For many years,
Ocalan has been looking for atmosphere and conditions, which exists today.
Does PKK recognize that?
PKK realizes Ocalan’s power. Contrary to what was expected Ocalan’s power has increased after he
Look, it was Turkey that has made Abdullah Ocalan an outstanding leader and a prophet. Turkish
wrong policies made PKK to raise Ocalan. Before prison Ocalan was a political leader, but today he
is a leader of a social movement. Kurds all over the world see him as a leader of social movement.
It is possible to keep a political prisoner in prison, but keeping a social movement leader in prison is
not possible. Because even if you keep him imprison, that social movement will continue to exist. It
was a smarter policy if Turkish government had started negotiations in 1999.
What steps will satisfy Kurdish movement demands? For example, whether or not people
forget “Democratic Confederalism” in the case of direct elections of province governors?
I do not think at this step a decentralized system will be enough, I think it will be incomplete
solution. It needs some kind of autonomy like local independent parliaments in Wales or Scotland.
A parliament, which has power in Ankara and would be able to effect policies related to Turkey. A
system in which PKK leader and members in Qendil be able to take part.
Could you explain more?
Look, it is not possible to send those who have been fighting for Kurdish identity for many years to
a different region than Kurdistan, and literally retire them.
In the case of achieving peace, they want to return to their home. Maybe what I am saying looks
strange to you, In Britain those who was once called “terrorist” today shake hands with Queen.
How do Kurds in Eastern and Southern Kurdistan see the current negotiations?
Kurds in Eastern Kurdistan are happy with this but they are uncertain about Turkish government’s
policies. There is a question behind their doubt: What factor or factors are driving the current
policies of Turkey?
And their answer to the question?
They think Turkey wants to deal with Syrian crisis, because at the same time they are unable to
fight on two fronts. Of course there is another interpretation: part of Turkey wants peace while
others are against peace process. And this can make a major difference in the current process.
What are Kurds’ emotions on PKK in Eastern Kurdistan?
They support PKK that is what Turkish intellectuals do not understand. There is a good
understanding of PKK among Kurds in Eastern, Southern and Western Kurdistan; PKK is not just a
political party but it is a social movement. One can destroy a political party but it is impossible to
destroy a social movement.
What are the differences between Kurds in Eastern, Southern and Western Kurdistan from
political point of view?
The Kurdish geography has been divided and Kurds have been influenced by four different regimes;
Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Kurds are used to respect their political and social struggle and
demands inside those countries. Kurds in Southern and even Eastern Kurdistan can support Kurdish
movement in Northern Kurdistan. But Barzani thinks about his own benefit in Southern Kurdistan.
He does not do anything to put his situation in danger. There is a point about Kurds that is difficult
to understand.
What is that point?
Kurdistan includes large parts of eastern Turkey, northern Iraq, western Iran, and eastern Syria. But
what keeps Kurds united is not religion or a political party; it is Kurdish identity.
What do you mean by Kurdish identity? Willing of living with equal rights. For example, “being
Kurd” is an identity for Kurds in eastern Kurdistan. “Language” is common point in northern
Kurdistan, and “national identity” for Kurds in southern Kurdistan. Despite of others, Kurds in
southern Kurdistan have not faced language problems. Therefore, we can say that there is no
difference in political level rather than some basic principles.
Source: NNS ROJ,  Translated By: Rojhelat.info, http://rojhelat.info/en/?p=5280