
Actualités et Informations

Classical and Modern Kurdish Poetry, By By Farhad Shakely

An introduction
Poetry has always been the main pillar of Kurdish literature. By tracing the history of Kurdish poetry through its manifold themes and forms of expression and through its various periods of expansion and stagnation one also gets an interesting picture of the role and conditions of literature in an oppressed nation.

DTP member Hüseyin Kalkan gets 1 year and 3 months prison sentence

Mayor Hüseyin Kalkan who supported the statement of Democratic Society Party (DTP) Diyarbakir city chairman Hilmi Aydogdu "Attacks on Kirkuk are the same as attacks on Diyarbakir and vice versa" has been condemned to 1 year and 6 months prison sentence for "inciting people to hatred and hostility". The sentence was then reduced to 1 year and 3 months due to good conduct.

Army opposes Kurdish speech by DTP’s leader

ANKARA – Democratic Society Party ,or DTP, leader Ahmet Türk's Kurdish speech in Parliament on Tuesday has enraged the military. Spokesman for the military, Brig. Gen. Metin Gürak, indirectly asks the judiciary to take action, arguing that prosecuting lawbreakers is 'natural'

Iran’s Harassed Kurdish Minority

Human rights monitors say Iranian authorities continue to detain and harass men and women of Iran's ethnic Kurdish minority. According to the Human Rights Organization of Kurdistan, an independent human rights group, more than 100 ethnic Kurdish literary, cultural, and civil activists from Kermanshah and Ilam have petitioned Iranian authorities for the release of Mehdi Hamidi and Abbass Jalilian, from detention.

Le leader du DTP a défié l’interdiction de la langue kurde au parlement

Ahmet Türk, chef du Parti pour une société démocratique (DTP), la principale formation pro-kurde de Turquie, a défié ouvertement la loi en prononçant mardi un discours en kurde au Parlement turc, avant que la chaîne publique retransmettant ses propos ne coupe brusquement ses émissions. Il s'adresssait au groupe parlementaire de son parti à l'occasion de la Journée internationale de la langue maternelle de l'UNESCO.